Monday, December 9, 2019

Link to NAPOLEON Video Homework - Drag the timeline to the minutes listed below to watch video and take notes on your packet.

What the heck happened after Napoleon? Lots of things. Big changes happened in Latin America. Also, there were big shifts from the political LEFT to the RIGHT and then back to the LEFT again. Why did this happen? Why does it matter to you? Some questions on the final exam will be on this information. FIND OUT by scrolling below.
POST NAPOLEONIC PACKET POWER Pt - Mr P used this power point in class to review the Post Napoleonic Era in Europe as it impacted World History

From Post Napoleonic to WWI - Despite a few errors, this is not a bad informative video. Quick paced and filled with relevant information that is accurate for the most part. P says: Watch and ponder! Then engage P and others in conversation on this subject matter.

LEVEL 1 = MUST WATCH - This is minimum viewing to understand the basics on Post Napoleonic Era in Latin America.

The short cartoons below were created by Legendary Student Katrin G as her Legacy Project. She wanted to create a quick way for students to get the Latin American Independent Movements. Check out the cartoons below:
A) Watch Short Cartoon on Haiti's Independence                                  (Haiti Indy Youtube version)
B) Watch Short Cartoon on Mexico's Independence                              (Mex Indy Youtube Version)
C) Watch Short Cartoon on Latin American Independence        (Latin American Indy Youtube Version)
LEVEL 2 = EXTRA (Not Mandatory) - MORE IN-DEPTH. These are fast-paced wacky quick video lectures. Might have to watch twice or hit pause as John Green is a hyper wacky guy. The videos below covers subject matter in more depth than Katrin's Short Legacy Cartoons above:

Watch Short Fast John Green Crash Lecture's on: 
A) Haitian Revolutions: Crash Course World History #30
B) Latin American Revolution: Crash Course World History #31

Watch & Listen to Mr Simpson's Power Point Lecture on:
C) Latin American Revolution by Mr Simpson - Slower & more blah but still covers the info well

LEVEL 3 = EXTRA EXTRA (Not Mandatory) -  MORE IN-DEPTH. This is for lovers of history and politics. This is the sort of stuff a course might cover in college. These documentary is filled with commentary and analysis from historians. Enjoy!

A) Great Black Emancipation: Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) Shorter but choppy at points
B) PBS Egalite For All: Toussaint Louverture and Haitian Revolution (2009) Entire Documentary
C) Chomsky: US Role in Haiti (2010)

A) Simon Bolivar: Biography by Extra Credits
B) Simon Bolivar: American Liberator by Marie Arana - Library of Congress

A) Symposium on Mexican Revolution (1810, 1910 & 2010) UC Events
B) Mexico, The Revolution and Beyond (1810, 1910 & 2010) by Dr Roberto Rodriquez

LEVEL 4 = SUPER EXTRA (Not Mandatory) - MOST IN-DEPTH. Get a hold of the books by professors in the documentary and read them. Now you are on your way to becoming an informed intellectual citizen of the world.

 4) Industrial Revolution GROUP PROJECT
A) Mr P's Class Power Point (features basics - schedule, group topics, footnotes, etc)
B) IR Group Topics & List of Documents 
C) Step for How to Analyze Documents 

D) IR Historical Documents - Readings 1-28 organized by group topics
E) IR Historical Documents - Readings 29-49 

F) What is Plagiarism & how to avoid it?

G) Group Project Samples 

Sample 2012 - G4 Inventions 
Sample 2012 - G6 Health 
Sample 2012 - G7 Changing Class Structures 
Sample 2012 - G9 The Arts

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POST NAPOLEONIC ERA Link to NAPOLEON Video Homework  - Drag the timeline to the minutes listed below to watch video and take notes on yo...